

Papa V., and Kouros, Th. (2024). Slantwise Disengagement: Explaining Facebook Users’ Acts Beyond Resistance/Internalization of Domination Binary. Convergence:  The International Journal into New Media Technologies


Papa V., and Kouros, Th. (2023). Do Facebook and Google care about journalism? Mapping the relationship between affordances of GNI/FJP tools and journalistic norms. Digital Journalism
Papa, V., and Ioannides, N. (2023). Reviewing the impact of Facebook on civic participation: The mediating role of algorithmic curation and platform affordances. Journal of Communication
Papa V., and Ioannou, M. (2023). The 10-year anniversary of intense protest in Greece and the role of Facebook. Journal of Information, Technology & Politics. 
Maniou Th., and Papa, V. (2023).  The dissemination of science news in social media platforms during the COVID-19 crisis: Characteristics and selection criteria. Communication & Society
Papa, V. (2023). “Τα Μέσα Κοινωνικής Δικτύωσης στον παλμό της εκλογικής επικοινωνίας: πολυμεσικότητα και podcasts”.(Social media in the heart of election campaign: the role of audiovisual material and podcasts”), in Theofanous A., & Katsourides Y., 2023, Τα αποτελέσματα των Προεδρικών Εκλογών 2023, οι προεκτάσεις και η επόμενη μέρα, In-depth, 20 (1), University of Nicosia, ISSN (online): 2421-8111, p. 17-21.


Kouros Th., Papa V., Ioannou M., and Kapnisis, V. (2022). Conspiratorial narratives on Facebook and their historical contextual associations: A case study from Cyprus, Journal of Communication Inquiry.
Milioni D., and Papa V. (2022). The oppositional affordances of data activism, Media International Australia, 183 (1), 1-16
Photiadis Th., and Papa V. (2022). ‘What’s up with ur emotions?’ Untangling emotional user experience on Second Life and Facebook, Behaviour & Information Technology (online first), 1-14.


Papa V., and Photiadis Th. (2021). Algorithmic Curation and Users’ Civic Attitudes: A Study on Facebook News Feed Results, Information, 12(522), 1-13. 
Theodosiadou S., Spyridou P-L., Panayiotou N., Milioni D. and Papa, V. (2021). Journalism education in the post-truth era: An exploration of the voices of journalism students in Greece and Cyprus, Media Practice and Education22(1), 1-14. 


Papa V., and Maniou, Th(2020).Recurrent narratives around the COVID-19 crisis in social networks: A case study analysis on Facebook, Tripodos, 27(2), 11-28. 
Maniou Th., Papa, V., andBantimaroudis, Ph(2020)Salience of Fakeness: Experimental Evidence on Readers’ Distinction between Mainstream Media Content and Altered News Stories, Journal of Communication: Media Watch, 11 (3), 386-400. 

2012 – 2019

Papa V. (2017). “To all activists: please post and share your story”: Renewing understandings on civic participation and the role of Facebook in the Indignados movement, European Journal of Communication, 32(6), 583-597
Papa V., and Dahlgren P. (2017). “The Cypriot ‘Occupy the Buffer Zone’ movement: Online discursive frames and civic engagement”. In V. Doudaki and N. Carpentier, Conflict and Media. The enduring conflict in Cyprus and its imaginings. Berghan Books.
Papa V., and Milioni, D. (2016). “I don’t wear blinkers, all right?” The multiple meanings of civic identity in the Indignados and the role of social media, Javnost/ThePublic, 23(3), 209-306.
Triga V., and Papa, V. (2015). “The poor’s have been raped”: An analysis of collective identity in Cyprus Financial Crisis on Facebook groups”, Journal of Cyprus Review, 27(2), 187-216.
Milioni D., Doudaki V., Tsiligiannis P., Papa, V., and Vadratsikas, K. (2015). “Conflict as news and News as conflict: a multidimensional content analysis of TV news in Cyprus”, International Journal of Communication9, 752-772. movement, European Journal of Communication, 32(6), 583-597
Papa V. (2014). “ICTs, Social Movements and Citizenship: A Study of Civic and Political identities in Online Social and Political Activism” (Extended abstract). In L. Kramp, N. Carpentier, A. Hepp, I. Trivundza, H. Nieminen, R. Kunelius, T. Olsson, E. Sandin, R. Kilborn. Media Practice and Everyday Agency in Europe. Edition Lumiere, Bremen.
Papa V.,andMilioni, D. (2013). “Active Citizenship or Activist Citizenship? A Framework for Studying Citizenship in New Social Movements and the Role of ICTs”, Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA-PGN, 6(3) (Issue: Protest and the New Media Ecology), 21-37. 
Milioni D., Vadratsikas K., and Papa, V. (2012). ‘Their two cents worth’: Exploring user agency in readers’ comments in online news media, Observatorio, 6(3), 21-47